Dr. Brock Hyder and his team provide professional and comprehensive dental care in their Payette, Idaho area office. Dr. Hyder treats all types of dental cases for patients of every age. Address your dental concerns to improve your oral health and restore the form and function of your gums and teeth today.
Dental Concern Treatments
Dental concerns like missing teeth and teeth grinding not only negatively impact the aesthetic of your smile but also your oral health. Maintaining a healthy smile is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Learn more about common dental concerns that we treat below:
Bleeding Gums: Do your gums bleed when you brush or floss your teeth? You may have gingivitis or developing periodontitis. Learn about the risk factors that come with gum disease and receive treatment at Payette Dental. We offer comprehensive care that treats the root of the problem to prevent further infection.
Missing Teeth: Are you missing one or more teeth? Learn about restorative options like dental implants, dental bridges, and dentures for replacing missing teeth. These options can last you for years to come. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Hyder to see which restorative treatment is right for you.
Sleep Apnea: Are you a chronic snorer? Do you often find yourself waking up tired? You may have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when the upper airways are obstructed by soft tissue. This problem can be treated at our Payette office with an oral appliance. Stop your sleep apnea today to prevent further breathing and heart issues.
Teeth Grinding: Stop your teeth grinding at the source with a visit to Payette Dental. After treatment with an oral appliance, Dr. Hyder may recommend restorative treatment depending on the extent of the damage done by bruxism, or teeth clenching and grinding.
Schedule an Appointment
If you have bleeding gums, missing teeth, believe you may be suffering from sleep apnea, or grind your teeth, call Payette Dental at 208.243.9807. Dr. Hyder and his team are happy to help give you the smile of your dreams. Address your dental concerns while improving the appearance of your smile today.